“Interesting premise, very poorly written”
How would you feel if someone said that about your latest novel in an Amazon review?
Yet, this happened to one of today’s most popular authors, which only goes to show that nobody’s prose is perfect.
Repetition, wordiness, clunky sentences, unnatural dialogue… These writing sins can ruin your story and prevent your readers from enjoying an otherwise awesome tale. You know, the kind of story that turns casual readers into raving fans.
And isn’t that every author’s dream? To turn readers into fans!
Why risk negative reviews like the one above, when there’s an easy way to ensure your prose is spot-on?
Let’s awaken the magic of your words and cast a spine-tingling spell on your audience!
You’ve been staring at that sentence for hours, trying to figure out what’s missing, but the harder you try, the more elusive the words. Maybe you just suck.
Let me assure you: You don’t suck! The real problem is this: you’re too close to your own work.
That’s where I come in: I can look at your words with the necessary distance to help you fix them.
What a line edit can do for your manuscript
A properly line edited manuscript reads the way it should. The words dance off the page in a harmonious rhythm, leaving your reader spellbound by your artistry and eagerly looking forward to your next novel.
When you have your work properly line edited, lukewarm reviews “yeah, that was an OK read,” might just become a thing of the past. Instead, your fans will leave raving reviews: “The prose is excellent, every word carefully chosen. I really enjoyed this book and can highly recommend it!”
What a line edit includes
When I perform a line edit, I put each sentence under a magnifying glass and scrutinise it word by word, paying special attention to:
Having your manuscript professionally line edited will ensure your prose meets the highest possible standards and give you a leg up in a fiercely competitive fiction market.
What a line edit is not
A line edit does not look at the big picture. That’s the developmental editor’s job, and I currently do not provide developmental edits.
A line edit also does not correct grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors. This is the proofreader’s job, and typically comes after the manuscript has been line edited. If you want both, I can offer you a discounted package. Contact me for more info.
But most importantly, a professional line edit will never drown out the author’s own voice and replace it with the editor’s voice. Any editor worth their salt will always keep this in mind: It’s your story told in your own unique voice. A voice worth preserving because there’s only one you.
Don’t hesitate another moment. Contact me today for more information or to get a free 1,000-word sample edit. Experience the magic of a professional line edit.